Simple guide for the CS GO SSG 08 Well to start with the SSG is definitely worth its money 1700$ due to the fact its an excellent weapon if you are low on cash and its a one hit to the head weapon. The ssg is a...
Simple guide for the CS GO SSG 08 Well to start with the SSG is definitely worth its money 1700$ due to the fact its an excellent weapon if you are low on cash and its a one hit to the head weapon. The ssg is a...
Playing the Desert Eagle (DEAGLE) The Desert Eagle also known as Deagle is a very powerful weapon in the hands of an experienced player mostly because of it is a one shot to the head in all ranges regardless if the enemy has armor or not. Is the...
The glock, is it worse or better then the p2000 or usp? Should you replace the Glock with a more stronger pistol on the first round or should you keep it? [adtoappear] We all know the importance of getting the first pistol round and if you are on...
Why don't people play the SG 553 as often as the AK-47? Is the SG 553 better? Its pretty rare to see someone play the SG non stop instead of the AK-47 on high ranks and this is a bit weird. [adtoappear] Well for starters the SG has 100%...
Why is the AUG underrated in CS GO? We all have been in a situation where somebody buys an Aug and gets called a noob or a silver then you hear someone say "go play call of duty" etc which is very stupid due to the...
Explaining why you might be stuck at the same rank for a long period of time, explaining why and giving some useful tip's. Its normal to be stuck in a rank let's say a month, but if you are the same rank for more then a...
Which one is Better USP or P2000 ? At some point of you'r gaming time this has probably occurred on your mind, which one of these 2 pistols is better, which one is superior? Which one of these guns will serve you better at the first round ,Which can...